Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the Sceivi app is completely user-friendly to all candidates regardless of their age, occupation, or category.

There are separate profile creation buttons for employers and employees in which you may create your ID respectively. Thereafter, you’ll be given an ID and password. However, the ID secures your data, which if you share it with your employer gives them the ability to see your details or to enable you to edit your specific details. This is an ID-to-ID communication which means that the employer also needs to enter their Sceivi ID to see an employee's details.

Sceivi gives you a score based on your profile and suggests you to the best firm as per the eligibility. Secondly, it helps you get the best pay for your profile. Also, we help the employee get more information on the employer, helping them perform better. And finally, we help the aspirants create a professional CV that sets their career upright. On the other hand, we also help employers find the right employees, grade them by their performance, and get healthy employees into an organization. Moreover, the reviews added by an employee to an organization add to the credibility of the employer and firm. In case the employee gets a negative score from the past employer for an invalid or illegal reason, they might seek legal support. However, it is ideal to maintain a good score from previous employers to get hired easily.

Yes, and also Sceivi doesn’t demand your personal information other than your employment/ employer background which is essential for your hiring process. In addition, we don’t ask for personal information beyond your registered email ID and contact number, which helps you get employed easily. Thus, we assure to make safe and legal use of your data at all times.

Only an employer can see the employee’s ID. Also, no employee can see a colleague’s ID, but an employer can always see who has given an employee a negative remark upon searching for the background of the candidate (the name of the firm can be seen). Similarly, the employer’s ID is kept confidential.

There is nothing such as being over-talented or undertalented. Every candidate is talented in their fields, get a high score, and succeed in their life. Sceivi doesn’t encourage any biased questions while setting the profile, adding to your eligibility.

The new employer gets to know the performance of the poor performer on the primary screening. Also, there are chances of legal punishments if an employer overscores or underscores an employee. However, the scores are mostly verified and recorded all the time since the SCEIVI ID is permanent.

This is considered a criminal offense; in which case the employer must undergo the legal penalties and formalities.

A fresher can get scored by the firm in which he receives training from the department heads or directly install the app on starting the training, and get a score by the end of his term.

SCEIVi is an international product that offers a lot of data security to the candidates and their information which is chargeable for its service. Hence, it cannot be provided free.